Custom Abutments
Anderson Dental Lab understands that every patient is not the same, which is why we often use patient specific abutments to acheive optimal function and esthetic results. You and your patient deserve a lab that understands this concept and is willing to craft each case towards the patient's specific needs. When you use Anderson Dental Lab for your implant cases, we will always ensure that you receive the abutment and restoration that will optimize the occlusal function and esthetic results. The majority of our patient specific abutments come from Atlantis AstraTech. Abutments are available in Titanium, Gold Hue, and Zirconia; and are also compatible with nearly every major implant system. These patient specific abutments also provide you with a peace mind. Atlantis will warranty both the abutment and implant system should the implant supplier fail to honor their warranty due to the use of an Atlantis abutment. Atlantis and Straumann apps within our software provide seamless connectivity and workflow for custom abutments providing us with the ability to design the crown while the abutment is in production. Also, we ensure that each restoration is tailored to your specific preferences by utilizing software parameters. Our advanced software and training help to provide our doctors with the function and esthetics that they deserve.